I'm writing diaries on all my sites now.
As for music, I still don't make music. And it has even been a long time since I listened to any. I guess I'm still waiting for recording equipment to fall down on me and someone to teach me how to use it... But I guess the chance is bigger that I write a program that creates music by itself.
I've started to realize that my job, my business, is just like being a rock-star. So:
1) The income I make is correlated mostly to how known I am, but little to how well I do my work or how much I work.
2) All publicity is good.
3) Appear at work drunk dressed in a woman's dress means that there will be a great show tonight.
check So far only this:
4) I get a lot of groupies.
Well... Seems like I'm going for the Black Sabbath-style exept for a lot of too young girls too far away.