[Patricio]: 1.About Blank.As Seen On TV

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2005-05-28 14:58:50
Song/Album title:
As Seen On TV
Missing components
Free to play
Same rehearsal as "Prelude To...". Still no bass player :P
Me- guitar
Fran- Voice
Fede- Drumss

As Seen On TV

Believe, all you see on TV
And know, what's your place in this world
Shut Up, don't even say a word
You know, what's your place in this world

Kick minds, you can't kill idea's hearth
And laugh, there's an exit now
You've got, lots to say and to do
Believe, as never seen on TV
Never seen on TV (x4)

2006-05-10 Vintage Rhymes and Valentines: Dude!!! this is just like early Ramones I love it!

2006-05-15 Patricio: You mean like The Ramones when it was really early and they still were fighting the previous night hangover? ;)
Just kidding. Thanks a lot for your comments. I'm glad you like it. Now find me a band that doesn't split after 3 rehearsals :P

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