[Tyrana]: 10.Theme One

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2005-07-08 15:27:38
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---ADDED MORE!!--- Still not quite finished. Actually... it ends in the middle. Yep.

It isn't done yet :(... I haven't had a lot of time lately...
It's working out okay so far, though.

There are several empty measures right now, but that should change soon. It's going to be my longest one so far, methinks.

Hmmm... the bass is too quiet. I'll try to fix that.

2005-06-26 UnicornisAlba: Love it! Is it going to get longer? I hope so :-)

2005-06-27 Moorn: This was good once the second strings kicked in towards the end. I'm looking forward to the whole thing.

2005-06-28 Tyrana: *Dances*... So glad people like it! ^_^
It will get longer. Sometime very soon, I hope. Just my luck, summer vacation gets here, a buncha stuff happens, the computer decides to be all silly, and I'm stuck with no Sibelius. It makes me sad.
Thank you for your kind words, though! ^_^...

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