[nokturA]: 144.noktura.heidi

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2005-08-25 18:39:33
experimental love
Song/Album title:
Free to play
This is the first attempt I really made for a song, I was mostly playing to see what is possible to do. I created it with Amadeus, the vocals in GaragaBand and the mastering in Live. Ehmm, I created all the sounds and the drums is actually my finger tapping on the micro :P . Don't know what else to say except that if you're into commercial music, you probably won't like it. :P
Let me tell you a secret of this last madness for me to see.

2005-08-30 Tyrana: Whoa... made the mistake of listening to this with headphones, alone in the dark. It was making me all shivery.
It's very cool. I love it. Even if it creeped me out. :P

2005-08-30 nokturA: ahahahah i'm really sorry! :P I will try to make a 'beautiful' song as soon as possible! ;)

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