[Aradon Templar]: 475.In Progress.Movement I.Movement III

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2008-10-21 03:01:18
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Movement III
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The difference in the ability to choose my own pitch set is remarkable. I think I shall title this movement Chant and Fugue, because if you listen near the end, it's actually a fugue :P I very much like this one most out of all three movements.

As you will hear, it's missing dynamics and there are a few spots where there should be rubato or a fermata or some sort of tempo variance, and of course Finale can't do those well (at least not 2003 :P), so I cut them out of the midi file. The last eight or so bars should be slower (there's a Grave marking in there, I promise!), but meh. The notes are all there for you to hear :D

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