[Rolo]: 51.No more

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2007-04-11 21:52:02
Roholio - No more
Song/Album title:
No more
Free to play
Hello again, my my it's been a while since I've uploaded (mainly cause my music course is in full swing at the mo). This is a song I wrote a last week, the vocals are very tori amos-based which means most of you will hate it some of you will like :P It doesn't matter I like it.. it's weird and reminds me of compass point :D Enjoy! (if you can get past the irritating the hissing in the background)


Oh yeah if anyone knows how to reduce noise on the pink mic input port of a computer. do feel free to point me in the right direction. Ever since i've upgraded it's been terrible...


2007-04-12 Hiugo: The kitty litter's warm :D

2007-04-12 Rolo: Ha ha I thought you'd appreciate it rad :) Maybe I should post the full lyrics..

2007-04-13 exmember8: creepy. ^_^
i love it

2007-04-13 Rolo: :D thanks

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