[left over culmination]: 70.Unknown.Ban
Rating: 0.40
She sits in the corner, dancing alone in her mind. Find, time, for the rest of us I'd say, If only I new she would listen, But pretending is her agenda.
She's Haunting me,
Find the words within those eyes
Find the words Behind the lies.
She sits alone again dressed as a manacan, damn skin, sick and thin. This time she's all but older. If only I'd held her, then I would have told her.
She's haunting me.
Reality is only
Jealousy you can see deepens inside of me.
Everything is disease when she sits next to me.
Behind her bangs Eyes sink into me. Saturn is waiting and watching, What's next for me?
I cand see saturn invading whats Left of me.
If I could I would.
2005-06-09 Tyrana: This is incredibly awesome.
I've also checked out yor webpage. I love what I've heard so far. Do you have an album out?
2005-06-09 left over culmination: Thanks, We Have 3 self produced albums and a fourth that will be finished in mid july.we are also in the process of remastering our old albumns with new equipment.