[Moorn]: 79.Slipshod SlapstickRating: 0.00 Uploaded by: MoornCreated: 2006-01-22 03:09:24 Download Music file Previous:[Moorn]: 79.Harmonic DisturbanceUp:[Moorn]: 79 (Top Index)Next:[Moorn]: 79.Ice Castle, RevisitedKeywords: Song/Album title: Genre:ExperimentalFinished:Just a testLicense:Free to playSomething a bit different, I think. Piano based as usual, but I led this with the bassline and drums. This is dedicated to my good friend Po.
[Moorn]: 79.Harmonic Disturbance
[Moorn]: 79.Ice Castle, Revisited
2006-01-22 Orestez: I'd love to know the notes to the bass line! that sounds sick! \oo/
2006-01-23 Moorn: Hee... shanks. ^^