[Moorn]: 79.contrast

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2005-07-02 09:07:15
Song/Album title:
I thought that I should put up something I'd played with my own hands. This is probably the last thing I wanted to do... just improv an acoustic guitar song. But a series of ironies and unfortunate mishaps brought it about, and the result isn't bad. I've been playing enough that my hands are starting to get rehabbed into shape, even though my fingers were numb by the end of this.

I wanted to stress the contrast between things with this. It's just improv, though.

Oh. Those popping sounds in the background come from the ancient wooden chair I was sitting in when I played this. It's a good chair, but I think it's on its last legs.

2005-07-05 pixie_shimmer: This is pretty cool :-D
Just before the middle - it reminds me of spanish music...where they dance :-D
You should make some more guitar songs! And sing :-P

2005-07-05 Moorn: *laughs* Me singing is not a pretty thing to hear. It's kind of like a perfectly tuned violin being played by a master... as the master is on the way to the ground after being shot out of a cannon from the roof of a forty-story building. I will try to play more though!

2005-07-05 pixie_shimmer: *tries to imagine what that would sound like* hmmmm....
probably he could play it very well while sailing through the air :-P
and good ^__^

2005-08-16 exmember8: that was really nice! i must have you in my BLEDDERS project. ^_^

2005-08-16 Moorn: o.o Hee... thanksha. ^-^ 

2005-09-23 honey bunny: i like what i hear...and what i hear is some good music

2005-12-01 pixie_shimmer: omg :O
I heard a talking at the end :O

2005-12-01 Moorn: Probably. My brother was in the room at the time, as it's quite impossible to get any private time in my house that isn't at an hour while everyone else sleeps. That, and I had to record it using my computer's microphone. o.O

2005-12-01 pixie_shimmer: I record with computer mic too :D
most of the time ^_^

I cant do anything if I know people are around :O

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