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More forum updates

<URL:view_forum.html> is now also accessable for non-members. The list of forum is changed a lot and so is the forum overview.

Date: 2005-06-26 16:50:30
News #: 8
Reporter: hedda


You can now "watch" (for interesting threads) and "hide" (for things that you don't want to read) threads in the forums.

There is also an unhide button instead of a hide button on songs-pages if your page is hidden.

And <URL:start.html> can be seen by non-members.

Date: 2005-06-18 20:49:26
News #: 7
Reporter: hedda


You can now see how many members members have invited by going to:

If you have the privs to invite people, you can also list others' invitations and invitation-score with a link from the top of their presentation. [Patricio] has the lowest score, so he's heading for a ban soon.. ;-) (You get negative score when you have invited non-active members.)

There will be a reward for people getting a high invitation-score. And a ban for those you cheat, of course... I'll think about the details another day though.

Date: 2005-06-12 18:14:38
News #: 6
Reporter: hedda

No more extension-problems!

MusMakers will now guess what kind of file you have uploaded, and therefore it will be impossible to name MIDI-files ".mp3". MusMakers will simply rename the file.

Date: 2005-06-06 19:06:44
News #: 5
Reporter: hedda
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