Pseudo HTML

Almost everywhere on this site you can use pseudo HTML. In its simplest form it's just normal text where newlines becomes newlines and URLs becomes link to the URL you write. But you can also use a few HTML-tags and some special stuff.

A longer documentation can be found on Elftown, Elfpack or here. See also the help-page.

The pseudo HTML syntax

Double newlines will be replaced with the HTML-tag <P>, that is, it will be a new paragraph.

Single newlines will be replaced with <BR> (a newline).

Double spaces will be replaced with &nbsp; (That is a space in HTML)

Links can be written like <URL:>, <URL:help.html>, , or . Notice how I have to have a space after all URLs except the first one. Otherwise the link will include unwanted characters. Instead or "URL", you can use "URI" and the link will not force opening in a new window.

(Note about HTML-terminology: Normally "URL" is a link-address (starts with a protocol like "http://") and URI is link-information. A URL is always a URI, but a URI can also be something relative like "my_page.html". But here both URL and URI-links accept URIs (just like HTML's <a href=URI>-tag)).

You may create a link to another member by writing [member_username] or [@member_number].

You can also inline images with <IMG:>. Do not inline too large images! If you want to inline images from this site you can change their size by writing one or two numbers before the ':' like this: <IMG100:img/photo/4711_1023447121.jpg> (keeps the current ratio between width and height, but new width will be 100px) or <IMG100*200:img/photo/4711_1023447121.jpg> (image re-sized to 100*200).
If the image is uploaded to a Heddate-site (this site is a Heddate-site) it can be mirrored by adding 'H' or 'V' or rotated by adding 'R' (right), 'L' (left) or 'A' (all around) to IMG like this: <IMGA:img/photo/4711_1023447121.jpg> or even <IMGR100*200:img/photo/4711_1023447121.jpg>
If you want to give a title to the image, write the title inside () immediately after the ending > without a space between. Titles are great if you want your images to be found by search engines on exported wiki-pages.
Use RIMG and LIMG instead of IMG to make the image aligned to the right and left respectively. Example: <RIMG100*200:img/photo/4711_1023447121.jpg>

To link to a poll you can write <POLL:4711> where 4711 is the poll number of the poll you want to link to.

To link to a diary-entry write <DIARY:4711> where 4711 is the diary entry number. <GB:4711> links to a guestbook-message, <news:17> to a news and <forum:17> to a forum.

You can also use the HTML-tags <h1>, <h2>, <b>, <i>, <center>, <hr> and <pre>. <HL> highlights and <justify> justifies text. But if you use them without end-tag (</h1> or </h2>) they will not work (except <hr>). Use <box></box> around content that you want to inline together (example: image and text to it). If you want boxes with a special width (recommended and can be used for creating columns), use the tags BOX50, BOX100, BOX150, BOX200, BOX250, BOX300, BOX400 or BOX500 (The number is the width in pixels. No other numbers work.).

You can also use the <table>-tag, but it's simplified, so you write | (pipe) for a new column and --- (3 minus) for a new row. Example: <table>Column 1|Column 2 --- First data | second data</table>

<slideshow> creates a button that makes all the images after it available as a slideshow. The images after <slideshowend> will not be included, but the ones after next <slideshow> or <slideshowstart> tag will. If you have images inside of boxes, a slideshow button is automatically added, but you can get more buttons with <slideshowboxes> and that will show the entire boxes, not only the images, in the slideshow. The boxes after a <slideshow> button will not be included in the slideshowboxes' slideshow unless you put a <slideshowend> there (an image can only be in the box slideshow or in the image slideshow). Images in tables will not be in the slideshow! Write <noslideshow> on the page to remove the slideshow-button.

If you want an entire row in italic, begin the row with > Otherwise, use the <i>-tag.

You can also link to a Wiki-page with [wiki_page@wiki]. It is not possible to display some other text than the page-name in the link. (Advanced: Between "@wiki" and "]" you can add "edit", version number and/or #where in page (set with <#something>) like this: [page@wikiedit88#hint] takes you to version 88 of "page" with an edit-form at the first <#hint> in it). If you want to display an image instead of the wiki-page name, the syntax is: <wikiimg:wiki_page@wiki:url_to_image.jpg> (Note: The extra wiki-link features and the image-resizing features don't work, but wikirimg and wikilimg make it an aligned image-link.).

To include sounds (mp3, midi and so on), write <sound:URI-to-soundfile.mp3>. Example: <sound:>

On the sites with photo albums (CatHug, Thunder's Keep and StudioForChrist) you can link to photo albums like this: [pagename@photoalbum] Example: [] (3 is the member-number and "sex" the image's given name.)
On MusMakers you link to songs in the same way: [pagename@songs]. Note: You can of course use the URL or URI syntaxes too like this: <URI:pagename> but then you get the "URI"-text there.

Forum-postings can be linked to with [posting-number]. Example [4711].

Private messages can be linked to with [message-number@], for example [4711@]. (Note: Only the sender and receiver can read the message, so this is pretty useless outside of private conversations.)

To link to a Wikipedia article, use the Wikipedia syntax [[Article name]] or [[Article name|your text]]. Examples: [[Elftown]] or [[Elftown|Best site in the world]]

To link to a Facebook account, write [@fb:heddahenrik] where heddahenrik is your username or [@fb4711] where 4711 is your Facebook ID-number. Example: [@fb577212311]. Similarly you can link to a Facebook Event with [@fe4711] where 4711 is the Facebook Event's ID-number and to a Facebook group with [@fg4711] where 4711 is the Facebook Group's ID-number. [@ew:thomas] links to an Elfwood user and [@my:elfpack] to a Myspace account.

You can make a countdown (or countup) by writing <countdown:2012-12-21 13:59:59 CST>. You can omit the date, clock, seconds and/or timezone (The 'CET' at the end). The year can be replaced with x to countdown to that date every year. The date can be replaced with MO, TU, WE, TH, FR, SA or SU to countdown to a time every week. Some of the supported timezones (Defalt is UTC/site-time): CET (Europe), WET (Britain), EST, CST, MST, PST (USA), GMT+6 (6 hours ahead), GMT+6.5 (6 hours and 30 minutes ahead). Note: Select the correct timezone to get the correct daylight saving automatically! (shown in the URL-field in your browser).

If you want to hide text (for a spoiler, for example), you can use the tag <bo> (BlackOut) and the text will become just a black line and has to be highlighted to be readable. To hide for example not-safe-for-work images, you can use the tag <hide> that forces the reader to press "show content" to view whatever you have written inside the tag. Example: <bo>black text</bo><hide>Hidden text and images <img:stuff/bar.jpg></hide>

If you want to write the pseudo HTML without making them into links and images you can add !uQt! somewhere in the tags like this: <P!uQt!OLL:4711> and the !uQt! will be removed, but the text <POLL:4711> will remain a normal text. You can also put text between <qt></qt> and it will not be treated as pseudo HTML. The standard way to inline code is to use <pre><qt>this[is]=your_code;</qt></pre>

You can write a comment that is only seen when editing the text. Everything between <!-- and --> will not be shown. Note: In real HTML you are not allowed to have -- in the comment, but it is allowed here. The comments will naturally be shown if they are written inside <qt></qt>.

More help can be found in the wiki. Click here: Help

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