2005-05-28 pixie_shimmer: >__< omg you need to shush...about it being crappy... I like it very much, both the song and your voice ^__^ and harmonies!!! *loves harmonies* I would suggest maybe a better microphone, but other than that I think it is wonderful :-P Thank you for sharing ^__^ 2005-05-29 Moonknight: This is really good, and I don't just say that to people, I really like it, you have talent and your voice has a nice sound too. very good job, I would do some string arrangements for this one if I were you. ahh, I happen to like the lyrics too ;) 2005-05-29 TheRogue: thanks alot guys.. it took alot for me to get it online and let the masses critique.. it's raw and the backup vocals are about .5 secs off, but that's still because I don't know how to use the program..i'll try to fix it.. and not cover it up with reverb. ;) 2005-05-29 pixie_shimmer: :-P claim artistic license ;-) It is my excuse :-P And the reverb still sounded ok! ^__^ I cant wait for you to figure out the program ^__^ hehe 2005-05-29 Emily June: This song is good! I listened to it right before I went to my work yesterday and I kept singing it softly the whole day :)This page is marked as obsolete! [TheRogue]: 13.Satisfied
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