I'm lost and don't know what forum to use

Post nr: 2962
Author: Hedda Posted: (6327 days ago)
Subject: Record companies starts to seel Mp3s (Texts: 1 )

Record companies are starting to sell music without bothering that people are copying it:


We're clearly going towards that musicians have to earn money pretty much like athletic stars. That is: Working on stage and selling advertising.

This will be a dramatic change for about 1000 musicians worldwide, but for the MusMakers members who are already giving away Mp3s, I guess it's a non-issue. But giving away free music is a good way to advertise.


Post nr: 2938
Author: Hedda Posted: (6368 days ago)
Subject: Amateur (Texts: 2 )

You don't have to be able to play an intrument if you can edit the movie afterwards! ;)


You have to be pretty good at editing though...


Post nr: 2908
Author: Hedda Posted: (6395 days ago) <URL:news.html?nrs=23>
Subject: Musmakers is now on Myspace.com! (Texts: 1 )

Wow! It looks simple, clean and nice. Not at all like a MySpace-account! Very well done!

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