Newbie questions Thread: [1938]

Post nr: 1938
Thread: [1938]
Author: UnicornisAlba (excited about all this new music) Posted: (7027 days ago)
Subject: Comments in threads

when I'm looking at the threads in here, and I click on 'Comment in nnn', it does not take me to that comment. Am I doing something wrong?

Next in thread: [1942]

Post nr: 1942
Thread: [1938]
Author: Patricio (Invite people now!) Posted: (7027 days ago) Previous in thread: 1938 by UnicornisAlba
Subject: Comments in threads

In which post did that happen?

Next in thread: [1945]

Post nr: 1945
Thread: [1938]
Author: UnicornisAlba (excited about all this new music) Posted: (7027 days ago) Previous in thread: 1942 by Patricio
Subject: Comments in threads

it happened when I was looking at the Overview. It happened to all those I tried on that page. They seem to work fine on other pages.

Next in thread: [1946]

Post nr: 1946
Thread: [1938]
Author: True, plain and simple Posted: (7027 days ago) Previous in thread: 1945 by UnicornisAlba
Subject: Comments in threads

That's because MusMakers doesn't check to see whether your URL has a topic number in it. So when you click the link to go to a posting in a topic, it has no idea which topic you want, and displays what it already was showing instead.

It should probably be fixed with something similar to this on lines 18119-18121 when [Hedda] get a chance:

"?"+(args->viewtopic?"":("viewtopic=" + last_unread->rootnr + "&"))+
                args2link(a&({"mnr", "how", "viewtopic"}))+

(This adds "viewtopic=#" in all links that don't have it though. It doesn't seem to cause any problems, but it might? Also, assigning to viewtopic if it's null and letting args2link write the appropriate url string would be better)

In the mean time you'll have to wait. Or just use single post viewing! It's much better, anyway!
Next in thread: [1954]

Post nr: 1954
Thread: [1938]
Author: hedda (New name: Hedda) Posted: (7026 days ago) Previous in thread: 1946 by True, plain and simple
Subject: Comments in threads

Yes, it's a bug. It used to work before!

Update: In the overview! Oh, that I've never thought about. I'll fix!

Next in thread: [1961], [1964]

Post nr: 1961
Thread: [1938]
Author: UnicornisAlba (excited about all this new music) Posted: (7026 days ago) Previous in thread: 1954 by Hedda
Subject: Comments in threads

Never mind, I know I can go to the thread and find the comment from there!

Next in thread: [1972]

Post nr: 1964
Thread: [1938]
Author: True, plain and simple Posted: (7026 days ago) Previous in thread: 1954 by Hedda
Subject: Comments in threads

Another alternative might be to just not show the 'Comment in' boxes in the forum overview, since it seems silly to want to click the comment links from there (instead of just viewing the thread in some other way) which is probably why you never thought about it in the first place. ;)

Next in thread: [1965]

Post nr: 1965
Thread: [1938]
Author: UnicornisAlba (excited about all this new music) Posted: (7026 days ago) Previous in thread: 1964 by True, plain and simple
Subject: Comments in threads

Thank you.


Post nr: 1972
Thread: [1938]
Author: hedda (New name: Hedda) Posted: (7026 days ago) Previous in thread: 1961 by UnicornisAlba
Subject: Comments in threads

It's totally gone in the upcoming version of MusMakers. There should of course not be any links that don't work. You'll see a big change in the Overview later, but it's only half-done now.

Next in thread: [1975]

Post nr: 1975
Thread: [1938]
Author: UnicornisAlba (excited about all this new music) Posted: (7026 days ago) Previous in thread: 1972 by Hedda
Subject: Comments in threads

Wonderful Hedda, thank you. I'm looking forward to it :-)

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