[Ironballs: The Remix]: 115.Club Wajea

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2005-07-09 03:59:23
Club Wajea Latin Rock
Song/Album title:
Club Wajea
Free to play
     "Club Wajea" was an early recording of mine and the first of my originals to involve more than two voices. Like my other work, this song is... not like my other work. After making this cut I didn't consider it finished, rather it was all finished save for a vocal track. I recorded a saxophone track for the lead line and gave this copy to a singer I had in mind. Long story short, the singer fell through and I'm left with the now non-vocal but finished version. However, the recording isn't top quality... there are some popping noises throughout most likely because I recorded a track too loudly. Other than that there are not too many mistakes in the song.

     The voices in "Club Wajea" are: Piano, Saxophone, Bass Guitar, Harpsichord, and Drums.

2005-07-09 Tyrana: Nevertheless, I love it. ^_^

2005-07-09 Ironballs: The Remix: Yay! ^^ Thanks!

2005-07-10 Simplicity in Complication: *doesn't understand why Jake thinks I won't like his songs, because they're pure genius* ^^ Another wonderful work of the great mastermind. I love it (but of course)! ^^ >.> <.< o.o *steals it* But.. of course... I... made it... o.O :P Kidding.

2005-07-10 Ironballs: The Remix: You like it, huh? Thanks, sweetie. ^_^

2006-01-09 Hedda: What is "wajea"?

The thing is that if you search for it on Google, then you'll find this page ;-)

2006-01-13 Ironballs: The Remix: Really? That's wild! I'm gonna have to try that. Wajea is the name of the chord pattern in the song and I was too lazy to think of a more clever title.

2006-01-13 Hedda: As people now will find your song it's a great name! ;-) You have become immortal by defining a word!

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