[Spiral Dragon]: 340.Patriotic-FightRating: 0.00 Uploaded by: Spiral DragonCreated: 2006-06-26 23:28:14 Download Music file Previous:[Spiral Dragon]: 340.Dance so freelyUp:[Spiral Dragon]: 340 (Top Index)Next:[Spiral Dragon]: 340.Final standKeywords: Song/Album title: Patriotic-FightGenre:OtherFinished:FinishedLicense:Free to play
[Spiral Dragon]: 340.Dance so freely
[Spiral Dragon]: 340.Final stand
2006-07-04 Vintage Rhymes and Valentines: Feels like the final battle in a video game haha.
2006-07-06 Spiral Dragon: I would really like it to be in a video game or somthing... ^_^