[Monarcen]: 459.Domination Lust

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2007-10-18 01:42:18
Domination lust
Song/Album title:
Domination Lust
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Free to play
We had our first practice with the cornerstone members in 2 months, and Nemesis had this song written the whole time, we finally got it played and we're very happy with the outcome.

2007-10-23 Hedda: Nice one! I'm a little uncomfortable with the guitar-sound though. It feels a little like it's too load in the wrong places and too quiet sometimes. Some mixing with the volume over time there might give the track some extra punch.

2007-10-25 Monarcen: it's recorded on an mp3 player, so it's not that easy...heh...we're trying our best with what we have, thanks for the comment.

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