[Moorn]: 79.Hail Thee, my Queen

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2005-12-19 20:27:44
Song/Album title:
Free to play
Something I've been playing with. I've always wanted to write a long, epic piece of music, but I can never seem to go the distance. This is the start.

Update: Long. o.o I'm up to four minutes, a mark I haven't been able to reach in quite a while. There's some fuzziness I need to work out in the later middle of the song, and to anybody whose ever played a Castlevania game, the inspiration for this should be really obvious, but I like the way its going. ^^

Update 2: The shamisen in there reminds me of beetles, for some reason, going clickety-clack. There's one muddled spot in there... that I can't figure out whether to leave alone or put in some more beetles. But hey. I like the way I ended the song... and I'm intrigued by how it changes based on the mood I was in. I wrote the song over several days, in several different moods... I tend to see trumpet and timps when I was happy or just okay, shamisen and strings when I was feeling archaic, and the drawbar/pipe organ when I ws feeling moody. 

Final Update: No more beetles, I think. I went back and tweaked some of the volumes, and now its as good as I care to make it. I feel a kind of dogged lack of climax to this, but I just don't care enough right now to fix it.

Final Final Update: Tweaked with the echo/delay dingy I figured out. ^^

2005-12-16 pixie_shimmer: I took a break from listening to Sound of Music ;)

It starts off very prettily *^_^*
All I can say is that I like it...I am hardly technical when it comes to analysing why I like something :P

It is beautiful and haunting - I think I am onto the 4th or 5th time of listening now :)

2005-12-16 Moorn: *grins*

I always tell my dear friend Erin that it doesn't take an art major to point out a pretty picture or an ugly one, and the same is true for music. ^^ Thanks much, Pixie dear!

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