[Moorn]: 79.Tremors on Sacred GroundRating: 0.00 Uploaded by: MoornCreated: 2005-12-18 21:14:44 Download Music file Previous:[Moorn]: 79.Hail Thee, my QueenUp:[Moorn]: 79 (Top Index)Next:[Moorn]: 79.Drianis of DothavenKeywords: Song/Album title: Tremors on Sacred GroundGenre:ExperimentalFinished:Just a testLicense:Free to playSomething new and different, I think. Maybe. ^^ Hah! I learned how to fake an echo/delay effect. ^^ It's one of those things that should have been painfully obvious. By the way, the filename of this one on my computer is 'weeblerabbit'.
[Moorn]: 79.Hail Thee, my Queen
[Moorn]: 79.Drianis of Dothaven