Page name: Piano Union [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-05-19 21:51:52
Last author: Shadow Phoenix
Owner: Emily June
# of watchers: 9
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The Piano Union


One of the most played instruments is the piano, and I've already seen some piano fanatics here on Musmakers, so:
Let's create a Piano Union!!!! YAY and w0oT! :D

This whole Union needs to be build up of course, but let's start with a member list just in case ^__^

NEW: You can now post a picture of your piano at MusMakers' Piano's!



1) [Emily June]
2) [Ironballs: The Remix]
3) [Asfaloth]
4) [Katherine]
5) [abandonedhouse77]
6) [exmember5]
7) [AccOrDiOnS_ROCK]
8) [Shadow Phoenix]

Username (or number or email):


2005-07-11 [Ironballs: The Remix]: I'm number 2!!! Umm... yay!

2005-07-12 [Emily June]: Whow, I had almost forgot about this ^^

2005-07-12 [Ironballs: The Remix]: Whew ^^ hehe

2005-08-09 [adeletedband]: *Watches wiki even though he can't join* :(

2005-08-09 [Emily June]: *tries to teach you* :( You probably haven't got a piano nearby...

2005-08-09 [adeletedband]: Oh well I can stalk the page instead O.o

2005-08-10 [Emily June]: 0.0 *hides from the stalker*

2005-09-10 [Katherine]: may i join?

2005-09-10 [Emily June]: Yes of course ;) If you have any good ideas, share them with us ^_~

2005-09-27 [Katherine]: hurray! thankyou : ) well, you need a banner :). piano news from the nymphette household... we just bought a grand! kicking! yeah!

2005-09-28 [Emily June]: I thought about making a banner as well indeed! ;) Thanks for joining :-) // Nice! ^__^

2006-04-06 [abandonedhouse77]: Woot! Go pianos! XD Only... I have a Clavier... which is a fancy keyboard that's like a piano. If you know what I mean :S

2006-04-09 [Emily June]: Well, it's piano-enough for me :-) ^___^

2006-04-10 [abandonedhouse77]: ^_^

2006-07-20 [Katherine]: I thought Claviers were the coolest things ever.

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