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Member #369 created: 2006-10-02 09:02:35Simple URL:   

Name: Joeri Verheyden

Band name: At libidum, EDT and several brassbands


me doing the intro of the song: "bastaard, bastaard"


I am Joeri, but I am know to most as "Jos".
My music career started at nine when I quit judo to start music. My first lessons were sponsored by the brassband of wich I am still a loyal member of. I think we started out wit about 20 students(and now there are about 5 left, including me).

After half a year of basic lessons, the real lessons began, that's where I got my first instrument, a french horn. played it for about a year and a half untill at our first consert, the pitch of my horn couldn't be adjusted. so afterwards I got a horn in Mib. So I had to start all over again. it was an old instrument, and after two years I decided to buy myself a new one (seeing I planned on playing music for the rest of my life).

Then comes the year I discover Blind Guardian, a powermetal band. The power, the complexion of the melodies... it overtook me (and it's still my favourite band). every album they make is something new, they constantly reinvent themselves.

And so as times pass, I aquire more instruments: an irish whistle, mouthharmonica, melodica, djembe, guitar, piano(altough just singlehanded).
And also I learn how to sing decently (always a good thing). I'm a bass, but with often practice, I could reach tenor.

Now i'm 18 and the biggest change in my life is just a few months past. When i discovered a man called john cage... When I heared 4'33", I was amazed. The power of silence was incredible. And recently on musicamp, we played it in a shortened version (then it was called 2'33") for brassensemble. It was meant as something original (like musafia last year), but when I sat there, and total silence overtook me... It changed my life.

so now I play in 2 brassbands, and am busy with 3 experiments: At libidum (experimental music), EDT (the extreme darkgrey teddybears, wich is mostly cabaretmetal), and anoher project where I still haven't found a name for, but the music is somewhat darker, I tell stories that don't have such a happy end as one would want with it...

currently I am busy trying to find a bassguitar and a trumpet, altough I have a low budget...

If someone is from my parts and feels like a jammsession... i'm always here

Age: 19Year of birth: 1988Month of birth: 3Day of birth: 18

Gender: male

Work: student teacher for english, dutch and ethics

Place of living: Huldenberg, belgium

Known languages

folk musicgothheavy metal
jazzoperaprogressive metal


Idols: john cage and blind guardian

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