Site bugs Thread: [2455]

Post nr: 2455
Thread: [2455]
Author: pixie_shimmer (The Best of Musmakers - nominate!) Posted: (6786 days ago)
Subject: number of messages

"whee, new messages"

The number that you click on is being wrong for me today :S
It says I have 2 messages, when I know I have 3...1 messages when I know there are two :S

At the moment I have 2 from Pat and 1 from biker, is the fact that 2 are from the same person doing anything wierd?

Next in thread: [2457]

Post nr: 2457
Thread: [2455]
Author: hedda (New name: Hedda) Posted: (6785 days ago) Previous in thread: 2455 by pixie_shimmer
Subject: number of messages

Someone sent you a message, you read it, and then the sender deleted the message and then resent the same message, which made the message unread for you again, without increasing the number of unread.

I fixed it now.

Next in thread: [2458]

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