Writing problems Thread: [823]

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Post nr: 823
Thread: [823]
Author: Gooseberry (Give us your fekk'n money!) Posted: (6897 days ago)
Subject: Songwriting

what does everyone start with? I keep trying and failing, writing first everything seems to end up as spoken word on a three cord rut :(
music first?

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Post nr: 827
Thread: [823]
Author: hedda (New name: Hedda) Posted: (6897 days ago) Previous in thread: 823 by Gooseberry
Subject: Songwriting

Buy a record of some music from India. Play it in low and changing volume in a little noisy environment. Try to make out your own words and make the melodi fit it, and add some extra riffs in the background.

Then you should at least have a theme done. Then there are just some problems to make it have a flow like a song and some cool intros and bridges, and maybe some surprises.

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Post nr: 829
Thread: [823]
Author: Gooseberry (Give us your fekk'n money!) Posted: (6897 days ago) Previous in thread: 827 by Hedda
Subject: Songwriting

you would make a really really good "Art and design" course tutor.


Post nr: 837
Thread: [823]
Author: Patricio (Invite people now!) Posted: (6897 days ago) Previous in thread: 823 by Gooseberry
Subject: Songwriting

Essentially, I start doing some basic progression and then babbling over it. Eventually, it makes sense or I forget about it :P
The other way it may happen is if I'm on the street or on a bus and the lyrics come to me. Those times, the lyrics give way to the vocal melody and the guitar... well, it adapts :P

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Post nr: 846
Thread: [823]
Author: Gooseberry (Give us your fekk'n money!) Posted: (6896 days ago) Previous in thread: 837 by Patricio
Subject: Songwriting

You make it sound so instinctive, I guess its like learning an instrument and just getting the feel for hitting the right notes.

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Post nr: 851
Thread: [823]
Author: Patricio (Invite people now!) Posted: (6896 days ago) Previous in thread: 846 by Gooseberry
Subject: Songwriting

Well, since I have almost no formation, it's instinctive.

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Post nr: 872
Thread: [823]
Author: Gooseberry (Give us your fekk'n money!) Posted: (6896 days ago) Previous in thread: 851 by Patricio
Subject: Songwriting

do you have something to say? is that how you write?
i think maybe if i sang my worries it would just be "lalalalala..lalala" i could be on eurovision maybe, just give me a blond wig and a prettyboy voice/face
actually a complete makeover would do the job possibly, then an exacty twin.
its a long shot.. but it just might work.

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Post nr: 881
Thread: [823]
Author: pixie_shimmer (The Best of Musmakers - nominate!) Posted: (6895 days ago) Previous in thread: 872 by Gooseberry
Subject: Songwriting

most of the people I saw at eurovision were dark haired womens :-P

ANd I think it just depends on what you are trying to do. Sometimes you might just get an idea for a song, and lyrics will come ouring out. Then you have to find some suitable music for it :-P
There is NOTHING wrong with 3-chord songs. They are what makes the world go round :-P

Also, sometimes you may find a lovely chord progression that you love, and you will be inspired to write some lyrics to match!

Either way, a good suggestion is to mess around with different chord progressons regularly. You will find patterns and things easily that way.

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Post nr: 885
Thread: [823]
Author: Patricio (Invite people now!) Posted: (6895 days ago) Previous in thread: 872 by Gooseberry
Subject: Songwriting

Ummm *thinks* Sometimes I have something to say, lots of times I don't have something especific to say, but the song itself ends up saying something and even more lots of times I don't have anything to say and the song doesn't say a thing, but ends up bein just another song about broken relations/teenage angst/whatever.
I think only 2 oir 3 times I sat down and wrote about something especific. Most of the time, i don't even sat down. I'm on the bus or taking a shower or something and a verse comes to me.

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Post nr: 979
Thread: [823]
Author: Gooseberry (Give us your fekk'n money!) Posted: (6895 days ago) Previous in thread: 881 by pixie_shimmer
Subject: Songwriting

cool, I dont have anything as such against three chord trick, i'm a big Dylan fan and well.. just about everything there.
but the guitar is a musical instrument and my vocal range is almost non existant, so i either be a Morrisey tribute or learn to play!... though i was asking about song writing all the same.


Post nr: 982
Thread: [823]
Author: Gooseberry (Give us your fekk'n money!) Posted: (6895 days ago) Previous in thread: 885 by Patricio
Subject: Songwriting

noise related inspiration?

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