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2005-06-15 [pixie_shimmer]: Thank you xmonster ^__^
2005-06-16 [Moonknight]: I personally use COOL EDIT PRO, and find it amazing, I record real sound with it, its a mutlitracker and also EAV editor and ripper,etc. you can do practically anything sound related with it. Adobe bought it and made a different version called Audition (I think that was the name) its very much the same but its got more visual related tools, for editing music for videos or whatever. Haven't tried it yet. anyway for MIDI editing I use CAKEWALK 9, its great and fairly simple. I recommend those two programs to eveyrone, when I get back from Germany maybe I can post help and information for those who want to know more about those two programs, I use them daily ;)
2005-06-16 [pixie_shimmer]: :-P I meant put it up there in the wiki ^__^
2005-06-16 [Lordpenguin]: so should this include sequencers also? what about resampling software?
2005-06-29 [Hedda]: Well, put that up too ;-)
2005-11-02 [Sir. Robert]: Thanks! Finally a way to re-voice my midis after exporting them!
2006-01-09 [Hedda]: Someone found this page on Google by searching for: "midi notation program" freeware
2006-01-09 [Hedda]: It feels good to know that the wiki-pages we create actually are some use for people out there.
2007-03-28 [Kazhanau]: I use gfsoftware.com
2007-05-07 [Hedda]: Programs for Linux (among others, I guess):
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