[Dickie*]: 155.Bloeddonor1

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2005-11-18 17:48:15
Bloeddonor, Unknown Subject
Song/Album title:
Just a test
This is Bloeddonor, my new band
well, actually its just the drummer of Unknown Subject and me.. but because the singer and guitarist showed up very few times at band rehearsals, we started our own 2-person band.
we call this style: bass 'n drum..cause drum 'n bass is something completely different than what we do :P

hope you guys like it.. tell me what you think!

2006-04-13 zoloftzantac: hard to hear, I have seen a few bands that play the melody parts with the bass an I have always that it was a cool idea, for what I can hear you sound good.

The drummer's solo was kick ass, and he sounds good, he just needs to work on trasitioning out of fills to keep the momentum going.

Also, with out a guitar I think I would have him on the ride more.

Pretty cool.

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