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jimmy. (this place sucks)

Member #468 created: 2007-07-24 08:45:57Simple URL:   

Name: Jimmy Douglas


im too gorgeous for this place, myspace is where its at.

My names Jimmy

I Play The double bass and the cello.. if you dont know what those are FUCK OFF!

I like to laugh at fake Ghetto people

I make Jokes about stupid things

i "act like Gerard Way"?

I dance to a beat that the cool peopl dance too.. (

fudge pops are delicious

Bianca, Casey, Davis, Kathleen, Augie, Mina, Trevor(s), Rosie, Melina, Jena, Marleigh, Alicia, Joe, Sam, Briana, Will, Drew, Rafe, Sammy, Rachel, Brandy, Brittney, Jeana, Gina, Jimmy, Nadia, Danielle, Kimmi, Alan,
Alex(s), Katie(s), Aubree, Cassie, and david are my friends

I'm happy a lot

I get sad sometimes...

i like Girls.

but i like boys too

Don't judge me, i'll cut your eyelids =)

I make out a lot

I consider myself moderately attractive

I love asians

i like a boy whos name is Davis

Im good At Ms. Pac Man

I Play Pump It Up

I also like pale people

Being a vegetarian is overrated..

Chicken is The shit

Smoking Is Dumb

Fruity Pebbles Are Yummy

i like to text

My favorite color is blue

If you read this you can talk to me..

Don't ask me if im emo,gO PLay iN TrAfFiC

Age: 16Year of birth: 1991Month of birth: 8Day of birth: 8

Gender: male

Work: Musician

Place of living: Hell

Known languages

heavy metalprogressive metalrock

bass guitarpiano

Home-page URL:

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Idols: The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus

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