Junk Thread: [842]

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Post nr: 1344
Thread: [842]
Author: True, plain and simple Posted: (7189 days ago) Previous in thread: 1343 by pixie_shimmer
Subject: XXX

Yeah. =P

Next in thread: [1345], [1435]

Post nr: 1345
Thread: [842]
Author: pixie_shimmer (The Best of Musmakers - nominate!) Posted: (7189 days ago) Previous in thread: 1344 by True, plain and simple
Subject: XXX


*wonders if we shoudl make a section for those things at Musical Resources or whether it matters...*


Post nr: 1435
Thread: [842]
Author: Gooseberry (Give us your fekk'n money!) Posted: (7189 days ago) Previous in thread: 1344 by True, plain and simple
Subject: XXX

it's just for Macs though isnt it?

Next in thread: [1440]

Post nr: 1440
Thread: [842]
Author: True, plain and simple Posted: (7189 days ago) Previous in thread: 1435 by Gooseberry
Subject: XXX

Eh? No. It runs on Windows as well, to support widespread iPod usage. You can download it from here http://www.apple.com/itunes/ or optionally Musicmatch from here http://www.musicmatch.com/ . Then of course there are always things like WinAMP, etc.

On another note, most Microsoft crap has made it to the Mac platform, like Microsoft Office for Mac.

Next in thread: [1476]

Post nr: 1476
Thread: [842]
Author: Gooseberry (Give us your fekk'n money!) Posted: (7189 days ago) Previous in thread: 1440 by True, plain and simple
Subject: XXX

ooh mactionalistic!

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