Page name: The Speed of Sound! [Exported view] [RSS]
2006-05-19 20:40:54
Last author: Emily June
Owner: Emily June
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We'll go with

The Speed of Sound!


Welcome to this musical gymnasium! Yes, we'll be doing some exercises! Stretch your fingers, wet your whistle, we'll be going faster than the speed of sound!!! (!)

Some of us might have a lot of energy (or want to pretend that they have ;)) and need to release that energy on something. Here's your chance! The only purpose of this contest is to play a song as fast as possible.


1) Whatever you sing/play/etc. must sound like a song, it cannot just be a bunch of notes/words thrown together
2) At any time, the Uploading Songs Rules should be followed
3) Everyone can have up to 2 entries
4) Have fun and don't sprain your fingers and vocal cords!


Winners announced

1st place: [jimmy]with 71.the song,

2nd place:[Orestez] with <URL:stuff/Music%20file/22.ZS%20One/1/22.ZS%20.0.asf>
and 3rd place:[Ironballs: The Remix]with 115.Invention 5 - J.S. Bach.



Post your entry like this:
0) Name: [enter username here]
Title entry:
Link to entry:

1) Name: [Orestez]
  Title: ZS One
  Link: <URL:stuff/Music%20file/22.ZS%20One/1/22.ZS%20.0.asf>

2) Name: [Tyrana]
  Title: Spohr's Concerto No.1, Rondo
  Link: 10.Speedy Spohr

3) Name: [Ironballs: The Remix]
  Title: Invention 5 - J.S. Bach
  Link: 115.Invention 5 - J.S. Bach

4) Name: [adeletedband]
  Title: Bass
  Link: 8.Videos.Speed of Ere

5) Name: [nokturA]
  Title: Elle avait no war (0)
  Link: 144.noktura.elle avait no war (0)

6) Name: [jimmy]
  Title: sloppy solo take 1
  link: 71.the song


This contest is now closed. Congratulations to the winners and thanks to all who've entered!

Username (or number or email):


2005-07-12 [Ironballs: The Remix]: Thank you ^^ And the same is true for your entry.

2005-07-22 [adeletedband]: I came; I tried

2005-07-23 [Tyrana]: It's certainly fast! The blur of your hand in the video adds a nice effect. ^_^

2005-08-25 [ghost]: I intend to enter this contest, but I can't record until next thursday. Will this be ok?

2005-08-25 [Emily June]: I'm thinking of changing the deadline slightly anyhow, so I think that will be fine ^^

2005-08-25 [nokturA]: ok i'm here

2005-09-05 [ghost]: Can we extend the deadline, please? My friend and I would like to enter, and you don't yet have many contestants.

2005-09-05 [jimmy]: I'd like to enter.

2005-09-05 [Emily June]: 20st of September: Final Deadline people!

2005-09-06 [ghost]: Awesome!

2005-09-20 [jimmy]: sweet!

2005-09-20 [Emily June]: Contest Closed : If you had an entry ready before 12 o'clock Musmakers' time on september 20, but weren't able to enter it anymore, message me!

2005-09-20 [Emily June]: Why didn't anyone tell me I had made a terrible spelling mistake?! *hides in shame ^^* I said 20st lol

2005-09-20 [ghost]: Because you said it more than once. lol. And dammit! I was working on my song just now! I still have 5 hours! 5 hours!

2005-09-21 [Emily June]: Yes, I'm sorry for that but it was later where I live and I wasn't sure if I'd be able to come online today ^^ If you have it ready now I allow you to enter it, but this is really the last chance, and only given to you. Please contact me if you have it ;) (Please try and get it done today!)

2005-09-21 [ghost]: Don't worry about it then. There were complications.

2005-10-17 [Emily June]: [jimmy], you've got some terribly brilliant skills ;-)

2005-11-09 [ghost]: When is the winner going to be announced?

2005-11-10 [Emily June]: Either today or tomorrow ;-)

2006-05-19 [kittykittykitty]: Who won this contest?

2006-05-19 [Orestez]: I think jimmy did, I came in second...

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