Page name: Bassists Unite: Members [Exported view] [RSS]
2007-02-09 17:22:47
Last author: Master Darius
Owner: adeletedband
# of watchers: 13
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Bassists Unite

Members Page


Feel free to add your name at the end of the list continuing the numerical order. Make sure you put your username followed by the model of your current bass.


1. [adeletedband] Westfield Violin Bass Guitar
2. [TheBugosh] Bass would be my second instrument...or third...I dunno...But where would a band be without bass?
3. [exmember8] my first instrument in a band is bass and i found it very fasinating. those deep, thundrous sounds! \m/
4. [Orestez] the bass is and always will be my first love when it comes it music.
5. [pixie_shimmer] I have a sparkly opal Onyx ^__^ and omg bass makes me horny.
6. [Katherine] all hail the bass.
7. [shudson] ibanez electric and a Kroeger double bass
8. [Broken Wings] Yes... Basses rocks! I'm not good at it but still!
9. [Shavo's lover] yeah so right now its a rouge five-string but i might be getting a new on....yes......but i will be the first to admit that im not the best
10. [wile e coyote] I am more of a guitarist than bassist, but I can play bass well, and I particularly enjoy playing slap-bass.
11. [Dickie*] me got the mini Ibanez GAXB150 ..short scale rocks for short people!
12. [James] I have a Peavey Patriot 4 string.
13. [zoloftzantac] Fender Jazz bass, she is so sexy ;)
14. [The Angry Chicken Devil] Gregg Benett
15. [exmember3] 6 strings with a low B is one of our secrets to our songs
16. [Dea] i got a bass and my bass got me!
17. [Harmless] Cort Action Bass 4str. Dark Red/Brown, a Motion B5 4str. Accoustic Bass Light Brown, and Susanne, Indian, I'm sorry, trying to be as monogamous as I can ;-)
18. [Master Darius] warwick streamer standard 5 string, ibanez edb600 4 string


Bassists Unite

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2005-07-21 [pixie_shimmer]: >:-D

2005-07-21 [adeletedband]: :OP I love the comment

2005-07-24 [pixie_shimmer]: hehe ^__^ I can change it if it is too personal :P

2005-07-24 [pixie_shimmer]: Are we getting a banner?

2005-07-25 [adeletedband]: Oh I'll make one in a mo

2005-07-31 [exmember8]: now, that's what we needed: a banner! ^_^

2005-08-03 [pixie_shimmer]: xD - Erestor made one! :P <img:>

2005-08-05 [adeletedband]: ;p

2005-09-29 [Dickie*]: im sorry...i couldnt help joining a group with this cool banner! and i felt kinda invited because i play bass too! a mini one, but still!

2006-03-30 [exmember3]: ..but still the bass kicks ass!!!

2006-09-10 [pixie_shimmer]: Cries L* Erestor deleted himself :(

We could have a bassline competition :3???? That might be kind of fun ^_^

2006-09-14 [Harmless]: yeah, it just might...
could we put 'em up as tabs on another page within this wiki?

it would be a wiki... within a wiki... wow... (:-o

2006-09-28 [zoloftzantac]: tabs? Posting the tabs could be cool, but I was thinking of MP3s

2006-11-19 [Harmless]: I wish i could record at home, but i'd have to go to school and setting up the studio, if at all available, is too much hustle...

2007-02-09 [Master Darius]: is it me, or is homo bass citing the obvious, a 6 string bass is tuned beadgc...

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